Windfield Farm

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Corrans Magerite

2000 Grey Irish Draught Mare, 15.3h

Genotype: E/e A/a G/g

Purchased from Windfield Farm

Conqueror King (RL)
The Conqueror Flagmount Boy
Droumaloughlin Dolly
Coole Atlantic Lady Silver Skip
Atlantic Pride

Corrans Rose (RL)
Corran King Kingsway Diamond
May Flower Four
Lisnabirra Star Grey Macha
Carron Rose II


WFF Reining King - 2005 Chestnut Irish Draught Stallion - owned by Austen Estate
WFF Belladonte - 2009 Grey Irish Draught Mare - owned by Castle Keep Stables
WFF Midnight Sun - 2010 Grey Irish Sport Horse Stallion - owned by Windfield Farm
WFF Ivee - 2011 Grey Irish Draught Mare - owned by Windfield Farm
WFF Prime Minister - 2012 Grey Irish Draught Stallion - owned by Nereus Riding Center

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This is all part of a sim game and is in no way real.