The AHAC offers endurance races every month, on the usual auto-entry system. Endurance race cards can only be run by AHAC staff, and are run through the AHAC site only, so be sure to get your endurance Arabians and Half-Arabians registered along with all your show horses! Endurance horses can also be entered and included in all applicable in-hand classes on the regular shows class list, including Sporthorse In-Hand.

Endurance Distances Offered:

  • 25 Miles Limited
  • 30 Miles Limited
  • 35 Miles Limited
  • 50 Miles
  • 55 Miles
  • 60 Miles
  • 65 Miles
  • 70 Miles
  • 75 Miles
  • 80 Miles
  • 100 Miles

Year End Awards

The endurance category at the AHAC's year end awards ceremony is scored based on total points earned in all AHAC endurance races for the applicable year.