Point Scales
Regional | National | International | Class A |
Ch: 9 | Ch: 12 | Ch: 15 | Ch: 5 |
RCh: 7 | RCh: 10 | RCh: 12 | RCh: 4 |
TT: 5 | TT: 8 | TT: 9 | TT: 2 |
Endurance Racing | Flat Racing |
WIN: 10 | WIN: 10 |
PLACE: 9 | PLACE: 9 |
SHOW: 8 | SHOW: 8 |
4th: 7 | 4th: 7 |
5th: 6 | 5th: 6 |
6th: 5 | 6th: 5 |
7th: 3 | 7th: 3 |
8th: 3 | 8th: 3 |
9th: 3 | 9th: 3 |
10th: 3 | 10th: 3 |
Title | Abbr | Points |
Legion of Honor | + | 200 - 349 |
Legion of Merit | ++ | 350 - 499 |
Legion of Supreme Honor | +/ | 500 - 649 |
Legion of Supreme Merit | +++ | 650 - 799 |
Legion of Excellence | +// | 800 - 999 |
Legion of Masters | ++++ | 1000 - 1999 |
Legion of Supreme Excellence | ++++/ | 2000 - 3499 |
Legion of Supreme Masters | ++++// | 3500 - 4999 |
Legion of Fame | +/+/+ | 5000+ |

Please save these title banners and upload them to your own server or a free image host. Do not hotlink directly to these images. It uses up our bandwidth and slows the site down. Thanks!
Hosting Class A Shows
AHAC members may host Class A shows using the Host Shows feature (when logged in). You are permitted to run four (4) shows per month. The system will allow you to run shows for the current month, or either of the past two (2) months. This limit has been put in place to prevent users from hosting an entire year of shows at once, at the end of the year, when most members are busy rushing to collect all of their results.
If you plan to host a Class A show, you must be a member of The Sim Community, and you must post the results on the AHAC Class A results board. Please note that non-staff members of the AHAC cannot host races, only standard shows.