AHAC Rules
As a member of the AHAC, you agree to be courteous and respectful of all other AHAC members. You also agree to respect this website. Respecting this website means you will not try to hack or break it, exploit bugs, or give access to people who have no business viewing a fictional sim game website. You also agree not to reveal the current user registration passcode to any user who cannot access TSC to find it on their own due to having their TSC account suspended.
Purebred Arabians are defined as any horse with 100% Arabian bloodlines that displays a breed-appropriate coat color, as accepted by the real world (USA) Arabian Horse Association. All other horses with at least 25% Arabian blood may be registered in the partbred section, under whichever partbred breed label the owner sees fit. Generally speaking, the “Half Arabian” term applies to horses with 50+% Arabian blood, and the “Arabian Partbred” term applies to horses with 25-49% Arabian blood, but the choice is yours.
Anglo-Arabian is any horse with Arabian and Thoroughbred blood.
Arabian Warmblood is any horse with Arabian and Warmblood blood.
Arabian Sporthorse is any sporthorse-type Arabian cross.
Arabo-Friesian is any horse with Arabian and Friesian blood.
Araloosa is any horse displaying leopard complex spotting OR any horse with Arabian and Appaloosa blood.
Hispano-Arabe is any horse with Arabian and Andalusian/PRE or Lusitano/PSL blood.
Morab is any horse with Arabian and Morgan blood.
National Show Horse is any horse with Arabian and Saddlebred blood.
Pintabian is any horse that is 99.9+% Arabian displaying a non-sabino Pinto pattern.
Quarab is any horse that is 25-75% Arabian and the remaining 25-75% Quarter Horse or Paint.
Welara is any horse with Arabian and Welsh blood.
Filly/Colt/Juvenile Gelding/Foal classes are for ages 0-2, or 0-3 where no futurity is offered.
Futurity classes are for age 3 horses only.
Junior Horse classes are for ages 6-8.
Intermediate Horse classes are for ages 7-9.
Senior Horse classes are for ages 10-14.
Prime Time Horse classes are for ages 15-30.
Open Rider classes are for adult (age 18+) riders competing in standard international discipline levels.
Amateur Rider classes are for riders age 16+ competing in amateur rider classes.
Youth Rider classes are for riders under the age of 18, including Junior Amateur (ages 13-17) and Children's (ages 12 and under).
Horses may compete in an unlimited number of appropriate in-hand classes.
Horses are limited to six (6) ridden and driven classes, or one (1) endurance distance.
Ridden (flat) and driven classes are restricted to ages 3+, though some levels have higher starting ages.
Over fences classes are restricted to ages 4+, though some levels have higher starting ages.
Flat racers must be age 3+ to run, and cannot compete in anything else other than halter classes before and during their race careers.
Endurance racers must be age 4+ to run, and cannot compete in anything else other than halter classes (including sporthorse in-hand) during their endurance careers.
Stallions cannot be registered in the Youth Rider division. If you do register your stallion as a youth horse, he will be presented with Amateur Rider classes on the entry page instead.
Purebred and Partbred horses are entered in separate classes, except for: Large Pony Hunter classes (Purebreds standing 14.2hh or shorter may enter the partbred large pony classes), and all endurance races. Please note that this means if your purebred horse entered in the partbred large pony hunter classes wins an overall title, it will be listed as an overall Half-Arabian division winner. This is not an error!